
Coaching offers tools for growth, self-reflection and personal development. With the help of a coach you can formulate goals, make a concrete plan of action, and follow small steps to reach what you aim for.

I have received my coaching diploma in Brain Based Coaching from the NeuroLeadership Institute. I am currently working towards my Associate Certified Coach-certificate from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

I offer coaching for individuals and organisations. Online and in person in Helsinki, Finland.

Step 1

Getting started

Click here to book your free 30 min session. During this session we get to know each other, I present what coaching is about and how it can work for you and your needs. After this session you decide if you want to work together. No strings attached, the decision is always yours to make.

Book the first session
Step 2

The process begins

It can be that we meet for one session, or your journey continues for months or years. During the process you will work in a way that is different from many other relationships you have. You will wander outside your comfort zone at times, reach new insights, see yourself and the world from new perspectives. You might feel proud, scared, curious and happy - all at the same time.

Step 3

The process ends

We evaluate and conclude the journey together, and you will continue on with new tools and perspectives. We celebrate and acknowledge everything you have accomplished. This is a very important part of the process that will lead you on to new adventures, challenges and possibilities a little more prepared than before.

The benefits of coaching

Coaching is an individual journey that has as many topics, insights and outcomes as there are clients. My clients have listed the following benefits as examples of benefits they received from coaching. Benefits of coaching:

  • Support in formulating goals
  • New perspectives and insights
  • Action towards achieving goals
  • Seeing and focusing on possibilities
  • Feeling accountable to someone
  • Feeling supported and having someone believe in my abilities 
  • Challenging oneself and finding new ways of working and living
Book the first session

Topics that can be worked on in coaching:

  • Who am I?
  • What do I want to study?
  • What are my drivers?
  • Should I change jobs?
  • How do I find more joy in my everyday life?
  • What kind of life do I want to live?
  • How do I rest more?
  • How do I become a better leader?
  • What do I want to be when I grow up?
  • How can I get more exercise/reading/culture/ into my life?
  • And many, many more ...

Customers about me

“Amanda is a present, professional and creative coach. She helped me reach new insights, and I got answers I didn't even believe would be possible in the time we had. Her empathy, experience and way of asking the right question at the right time, gave me clarity and concrete steps to move forward. A wonderful moment of relaxation in the beginning made me completely precent for the session.”
Mia Ingman
  —  External Relations Manger Arcada
"When I started on my coaching journey, I didn't know what to expect. I had no prior experience of coaching and the thought of sessions with a coach made me really nervous. I doubted if coaching could really help me. Quickly I realised that it really can. With the help of her personality and professionalism, Amanda had the ability to create a safe environment, where it felt good to tackle difficult, as well as easier topics. During the journey I had many new insights, insights that I think were possible to reach only through the interaction we had. I sincerely recommend coaching and Amanda as a coach. My experience is that I got more out of this journey than I could ever have imagined being possible"
Sanna Mattila
  —  Director of Business Development, Pandia
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Next Step 3 months

You are ready now. Ready to take your Next Step. The step that will move you closer to working according to your values. The step that will make you career feel like yours. Dreams and goals can be reached. I am here to help you.
May 7, 2024
Amanda Backholm

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